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Talents bias
Interviews and media

Recognizing Top Talents: Here are 10 Things to Look for

Forget everything you know about what talent looks like and who should be developed. Learn to ask yourself and your company some essential questions when seeking genuine, unique talent. At the end of this article you'll get 10 behavioral traits to look for.
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factory of Henry Ford
Leadership & collaboration

The New World of Modern Leadership: Embracing Inclusivity

As we transition from the assembly lines of Henry Ford's factories to modern hybrid workspaces, the need for a new approach to leadership becomes clear. The challenges we face today are more complex and multifaceted, requiring leaders to move beyond the one-way, top-down communication of the past. Instead, contemporary leadership demands reciprocity, inclusivity, and a ...
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summer readings
Leadership development

Best Leadership Books: 5 Suggestions for Your Summer Reading

Every year, my friend Anne picks out a few books to read during the summer when she has vacation and more time to read. This summer she asked me what she should read. Here you'll get 5 recommendations for your summer readings..
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inclusive leadership
Leadership & collaboration

Bridging the Generation Gap: Three Effective Strategies for Managing Perspectives

Navigating the generation gap at work can be tricky. If you’re leading a team and finding it hard to connect across generations, here are three effective and practical strategies to make it easier.
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Be at your best
Leadership & collaboration

Preserve A Positive Mindset Through a Storm: 3 Examples on How Great Leaders Stay Ready in Tough Times.

Part of a leader’s function is to solve problems: the problems of employees, of the firm, of the higher-ups, etc. It’s particularly tough when you’re a middle manager squeezed between layers of the hierarchy. In the role of leader, you have to face many trials and respond with a professional smile. This article explores how ...
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Mediter som det passer dig
Leadership & collaboration

Charting a Sustainable Course: Get There with Sustainable Leadership

Short-term thinking with a narrow perspective can boost performance but it won’t be sustainable business. Nor how to reach success and wellbeing long term. Some point, further down the road, the employees will leave and the resources will be gone. To practice sustainable leadership you must encounter what economist calls externalities. If you continue to ...
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values that drives you
Leadership & collaboration

How to thrive at work: Try the value tool and get to live your values at work

Life can go up and down, getting you into sidetracks or even off track but finding your way is often guided by your values. These values are the compass that helps us navigate through the ups and downs, making choices and decisions that resonate with our true selves. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and author, ...
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Lighthouse of values
Leadership development

Wellbeing at Work: Get the tool that made the manager Mark see the light and enabled him to live his values at work

We spend most of our awake hours at work. So, it is imperative to match your personal values with your job. If you do, it will boost you, if you don’t - it will drain you. That's why I'll introduce you to the tool values light house in this article.
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Empathy at work
Leadership & collaboration

The power of empathy in leadership: Why it matters and how you can apply it effectively

Leaders who are emotional intelligent or savvy, simple creates following. Their people feel a strong connection with them and a great sense of belonging towards their workplace regardless of the external conditions. It is quite powerful. In this article we delve into empathy and what a great sense of empathy can do for you as ...
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