The hybrid worklife

Free inspiration

Get better remote collaboration and well-being working e.g., from home

This article is about how to collaborate remotely, and thrive when working e.g., from home. In this article you’ll meet Henrik. Henrik has a challenge. He is a part of a team of five where they used to be very effective and had a really good time together. But in the resent years they have started to work hybrid and have less time together at the office. Therefor Henrik lacks commitment.

Get better remote collaboration and well-being working e.g., from home Read More »

Energy in teams meetings

5 Meeting Management Strategies to Boost Energy in Your Next Meeting

Are you tired of meetings that drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted? In this article you get five strategies to boost the energy in your next meeting and create a more engaging and rewarding work culture. Interested? Read along here.

5 Meeting Management Strategies to Boost Energy in Your Next Meeting Read More »

Remote worklife

Personal energy in your hybrid or remote work life

Whether you work physically, virtually or hybrid, personal energy determines how well you thrive, perform, collaborate, lead and how efficient you are. In my coaching practice, I find that some people are better at keeping a responsible personal energy level than others. It is often quite unsaid, but there is almost an expectation that if you are to be found in a higher management level, you have to master how to keep a high personal energy level (we can discuss the fairness, but it is the reality many face). Hence, in this article you get a brief introduction to what it means to work with your personal energy in your work life and why it is extra important when working virtually or hybrid.

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