Performance & wellbeing

Inclusive communication

The Power of Inclusive Leadership Communication: You will Retain Talent and Create Belonging

In today’s diverse and interconnected workplace, effective communication is key to make sure that everyone in the team are included. It will help you to fostering a sense of belonging, reducing misunderstandings, and promoting teamwork. How can I communicate more effectively you might ask and that is why this article is all about Inclusive Leadership Communication. Beacuse, this mindset will provide you with a more effective way of communicating. It is a mindset that leaders, who wants to be in the forefront, have great success using. Because, we all desire for a well-collaborative team. Read here about how to achieve it with Inclusive Leadership Communication. You’ll also read about why inclusive communication is important and get a practical framework for achieving it.

Personal energy at work

Why personal energy matters for business success

Most work-places still manage all employees as their energy level were an infinite ressource. Because projects and organizations are still lead by stirring after; time, quality and money. This could definitely work in thee old days but know where peoples minds and brains are the biggest asset of a company personal energy is missing into the equation. If we don’t start stirring after personal energy too, then this century’s biggest concern, stress, will never be solved. Read along to know why personal energy matters for business success.

Free inspiration

Get better remote collaboration and well-being working e.g., from home

This article is about how to collaborate remotely, and thrive when working e.g., from home. In this article you’ll meet Henrik. Henrik has a challenge. He is a part of a team of five where they used to be very effective and had a really good time together. But in the resent years they have started to work hybrid and have less time together at the office. Therefor Henrik lacks commitment.

Hvad er stress?

Leading oneself in times of uncertainty

These days, there are many managers with anxiety. In my profession as an Executive Coach, I talk with highly competent and resourceful executives around the world about their challenges, problems, and objectives in life and in work.

One question that is being discussed in many of my virtual coaching sessions these days is, how one is dealing with anxiety as a leader. In this article I give you three ways to deal with it. Read along here.

Berlingske artikel

Five pieces of advice concerning bad leadership and psychopathic leaders

The word psychopath tastes of Hollywood and is used extensively in everyday speech about people who have an incomprehensible cold or unpleasant behavior. TV shows with psychopathic characters like Billions and House of Cards entertain millions of people. Psychopathy can be experienced as exciting. But in fact, it masks a personality disorder that many psychologists and psychiatrists are powerless to deal with – and that harms people, value, businesses, organizations, and the political system. Read more here were you can get some advice too.