Meet Tony Robbins’ meditation teacher Ananda Giri

Ananda Giri

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All leaders, no matter how big they are, need inspiration and guidance. Tony Robbins, Oprah Winfrey and Michael Jackson among many others have chosen to be guided by Ananda Giri, from One World Akademi. Ananda Giri is a Senior Meditation Teacher. I have talked to him about what our mental condition and what meditation means to us as leaders.

A short while ago I got an invite from meditation teacher, Henning Daverne and Coach, Thomas Rex to meet Ananda Giri. I could not say no to that. I have to admit it was a very strange experience. Fortunately, it was strange in the good way.

I talked to Ananda Giri about what a good leader is. You can watch the video later in this article.

A nice condition

One of Ananda Giri’s core messages is that the foundation of all good in our lives is to be in a beautiful state of mind. If we are not in a good state of mind, we can not reach other people in a good way. Everything we do and experience is colored by our own state of mind.

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30 second meditation

In the middle of the interview, I asked him if he had an easy way to get into a good state of mind. He did, so he guided a 30 second mediation. Afterwards I felt so uplifted that I was completely out of it. This part of the recording had become so messy that I had to cut them out. Meditation is also not so exciting on video. It may be quite beautiful, but it does not take more than 30 seconds.

Good leadership is about the mental state of mind

Obviously, I was focused on getting his take on good leadership and what a good leader is. I can reveal that it is absolutely crucial to enter that mental state of mind through meditation. It plays a significant role when you act with colleagues and other people. You can see and hear much more about it in the video.

"A real leader is someone who can connect and who can make others feel at ease so that they can create great things."

Good leadership in the future

Interestingly, Ananda’s definition of management is not far from Bill Gates’. In any case, Ananda Giri talks about a leadership style that points far into the future.

"As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others."

I often use meditation when I give lectures, coach, counsel and teach. All we do is with the vision that people don’t just have to perform. This, by unlocking the power of personal energy in all organizations to create long-term value in a sustainable way. 

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