March 2023

Team wellbeing and strategy

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams 

Managing your energy is one chapter of its own. It is crucial and imperative. But let’s be real. We spend most of our awake hours on the job collaborating with others. So, if we do not manage the team energy and take responsibility for the imprint of energy we leave others with – it will not take us far enough.
Read more here to get the three corporate strategies.

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams  Read More »

Team wellbeing

Manage energy not just time and money

Get to the next level of performance by encountering a fourth dimension in your management style – Manage energy not time!

Successful companies such as Google and Novo Nordisk know that prioritizing team wellbeing as it’s the key to high performance. Still, most managers only consider Time, Quality, and Money, when prioritizing or deciding. That is how they are trained. However, there is another level.

Manage energy not just time and money Read More »