Do you know your stress symptoms?

Stress symptoms

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Learn how to detect your stress signals. Most people all know the feeling of being a bit stressed. But do you really know what stress is and what it does to you? In this article you can learn more about what stress is and learn about stress symptoms.

In this video you can hear a little more about the stress symptoms that our body sends to us. Actually, I like to call stress symptoms, stress signals because it’s actually your body trying to tell you something. The body is intelligent. Sometimes it’s more intelligent than our head.

If you are in doubt about what stress actually is, then it is completely understandable. According to PhD Stress Researcher Marlene Friis Andersen, there are more than 30 definitions of what stress is. One of the definitions here is that stress is an overload of the brain and nerve system.

If you need help to overcome stress get in touch for a non-binding conversation regarding stress coaching on +45 26361199 or

Stress infections​

Stress restricts your cognitive abilities. As a leader, it’s even worse to be stressed because it’s harder to be a good leader. Stress infections are when other people gather the mental state of mind. Especially its leaders.

It can affect your work and your life immensely so it’s smart to listen to the signals and do something about it. It can be difficult to handle it. Especially when you are stressed.

Here are three things you can do:

  1. Talk to someone near you about what stress symptoms you experience. It helps to put words on how you feel, and to get emotional backing by friends and family.
  2. Get professional advice. The sooner you do something about the problem, the easier it will be to handle. All too often people are waiting to react until you’re just breaking.
  3. Relax as much as you can. If it makes you most comfortable, watch Netflix. Do it. To relieve stress symptoms, lower the level of stress hormone cortisol. It may take some time to get it down depending on how much stress you are under. A good rule of thumb is that you should always relax after a power performance or stressed time.

Doing something about your stress can feel really good. It makes you a stronger version of yourself – both privately and professionally.

Get an overview of your stress symptoms

Send an email to to get the list of stress symptoms that I mention in the video.

If you are in doubt whether or not you are stressed or if you are feeling stressed and would like to do something about it, feel free to contact me by mail or at +45 26361199. Maybe you then should consider coaching – helping to deal with the real challenges. Reach out or take a closer look at the coaching page. 


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