Leadership Community


mentally fit thrive

It is a myth that business is not personal – it is personal. That is especially true, when it comes to leadership. As a leader it is YOU as a person, who are leading. Your personality and behavior are big parts of what people see in YOU and what they react to.

This leadership development community is for You, who:

  1. Are driven to be the best leader that YOU can be
  2. Wants to master the secrets of how to lead others successfully
  3. Are curious on what happens inside others that you work with
  4. Are willing to lean in and practice new behaviors in real life
  5. Appreciates interaction with peers when learning
  6. Wants an existing work life full of challenges, responsibility and life quality
  7. Are ready to act like a real leader and take responsibility for yourself and others, whether you are a leader or not.

You can be a leader already, or someone who is aspiring to be a leader. We in Campbell Co. mostly do leadership with leaders who already have proven themselves and have advanced in their career in multinational corporations like Deloitte, Novo Nordisk, McDonalds and Carlsberg. People who have budgets for what we normally charge. We know that there are more people out there who want to develop and live their dream. We want to offer you easy access to world class leadership development.

Subscribe to the wait list for our Leadership Community


12 months access to 4 Facilitated Leadership Journeys built on coaching principles that enable you to take your learnings into practice right away. Journeys are an alternative to courses that are more engaging and build on the coaching principles that we know has a stronger effect that traditional courses. 

  1. Stating your Leadership Presence: Unlocking authentic leadership and leadership resilience. A 1 month learning journey with peers facilitated live by Leadership Expert and Coach, Josefine Campbell
  2. Team Wellbeing: Manage Personal Energy for Business Success.
  3. Adaptive Leadership: The 1,2,3 of leadership that every leader should know
  4. Ready or Hijacked?: Managing yourself and others during change, and when feeling pressure and experiencing uncertainty.

Journey 2-4 are 1-month journeys that you can start in a group or together with a coach, any time you like.

Also, included is:

  • 9 development webinars on dealing with difficult conversations
  • 12-months access to a personal AI Coach that can help any time a day
  • 10-month access to Q&As with a real human leadership coach
  • 2 annual in-person events, one in London and one in Copenhagen.

Everything is online, but the two additional annual in-person events are held in Copenhagen and London.

Please ask any questions you might have on: hello@josefinecampbell.com

Sign up here

This is the wait list to be informed exclusively when we after the summer launch the Leadership Community. So, don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to be at the forefront. Whether you’re an experienced leader or just starting, this will be the community to support and inspire you every step of the way. 

We want to make sure that there is a good match between you, and the other participants.

If you get approved, you will be invited for an digital 15 minute interview.