Triumph like Marie: Build Resilience and Unlock Authenticity

12 Tools book

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In coaching, the stories we explore are usually kept private. The real work is often personal, confidential, and transformative. But, once in a while, someone comes along who wants to share their story—not just for their own growth, but to inspire others. In my new book, I tell the story of such a person, who we’ll call “Marie.” The book is out November 5th, 2024. And you can preorder your copy here

Marie’s journey through coaching was nothing short of remarkable. A high-achieving leader with a big heart and sharp skills, she found herself trapped in a tough and toxic situation. Yet, she didn’t just survive—she thrived. She triumphed. And now, with her permission, I’m sharing her story in hopes that others might find the strength to do the same.

This book holds a special place in my heart because when Marie asked me to tell her story, I felt called to do it. I wasn’t just the writer—I was the enabler of something much bigger.

If you prefer reading in Danish, then you can read that version right here.

Why this story matters

This book isn’t just about Marie’s journey—it’s about the lessons I’ve learned from countless coaching conversations with senior leaders. As people climb the ladder, they inevitably encounter difficult individuals like Marie’s manager. Many get bruised along the way, but it doesn’t have to be that way. That’s why Marie and I felt so strongly about sharing her story. We believe it can help others navigate similar challenges, and we hope you do too.

Josefine Profilbillede

Join the Masterclass about authenticity

January 15th 2025, Josefine Campbell holds a masterclass in creating an authentic workplace. She will share what made the corporate leader she call ‘Marie’ triumph over her selfish leader and what you want to keep an eye on when creating a healthy workplace for your people.

3 Lessons learned from Marie’s Story

Marie’s experience shows us that more is possible than we often believe. My book offers readers 12 tools to navigate their own challenges, but here are three key takeaways from Marie’s story:

  1. Embrace authenticity to build resilience.
    In her coaching process, Marie dove deep into herself to find her authentic voice. She faced an incredibly difficult work environment but didn’t run away. Instead, she searched for a way to succeed while staying true to who she was—and she did.

  2. Not all leaders are as they seem.
    While many leaders are good people facing tough jobs, not all are. Marie’s manager was manipulative, gaslit her, and lacked empathy. Had she approached him naively, treating him like a reasonable person, she wouldn’t have succeeded. Instead, she learned to navigate the situation with her eyes wide open.

  3. Stay true to your nature to gain an edge.
    Marie is what many would call an introvert—thoughtful and measured in her speech. Her manager, on the other hand, was quick, loud, and dominant. To turn the tables, Marie split her performance review into two days:

    • Day 1: 30 minutes where the manager spoke.
    • Day 2: 30 minutes where Marie responded.
      By structuring the conversation this way, Marie gave herself time to reflect and present her thoughts more effectively, leveling the playing field.

The book is out November 5th, 2024. Preorder your copy today

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Unlock Authenticity and Share Your Own Stories

Marie and I hope this book will help people—perhaps even before they realize they need it. It could make a thoughtful gift for someone who’s navigating their own challenges. And remember, you don’t have to write a book to make a difference. Share your experiences with others, especially those who are less experienced. There’s no reason they have to stumble through the same obstacles.

Sharing stories is powerful. Let’s keep the conversation going.

If you are dealing with the same as marie I’m here for you. You can take a closer look at me as a coach or our Leadership Community.

And remember that we help people in multinational companies developing leadership to realize dreams. If you would like to be updated with new articles and videos, sign up for our mailing list. Your mail is not shared with anyone and there are advantages to being on the list e.g., getting the first chapter of Josefine Campbell’s book, Power Barometer – How to Manage Personal Energy for Business Succes

Om os

Campbell Co er founded af Josefine Campbell i 2018.   

Vi hjælper organisationer, teams, ledere og andre high performers med at håndtere udfordringer i deres arbejde og derigennem at tage performance til næste niveau. 

Vi tager udgangspunkt i kundens konkrete udfordringer. Som noget unikt arbejder vi med at højne den personlig energi for både at skabe højere performance og større modstandsdygtighed overfor svære situationer, dvs. situationer med mange ubekendte faktorer, konflikter, forandringer eller andre udfordringer. 

Gennem japansk kampkunst erfarede Josefine Campbell fra en ung alder, hvordan evnen til at styre energi og sind kunne skabe bemærkelsesværdige resultater under pressede vilkår. 

I 1989 vandt jeg mit første ud af fire DM’er i Reaktionsbane, som er en Jiu jitsu-disciplin, hvor du gennemgår 12 poster. Ved nogle poster bliver du overfaldet. Ved andre møder du en person, der har brug for hjælp. Hele tiden må du både være klar til at forsvare dig og til at være der for et andet menneske”, siger Josefine Campbell. Og fortsætter: “For at vinde, må du være klar. Du må bevare nerverne i ro og være parat til at handle på de mindste udsving i dine sanseindtryk. Det gælder særligt i mørket om natten, hvor konkurrencen også foregår. Du må være i stand til at reagere hurtigt, empatisk og rationelt. Du må være ’fit’ og ikke ’kapret’, som jeg kalder det i mine bøger.”. 

Vi tilpasser vores forløb til den enkelte virksomhed, så du finder løsninger uanset, hvilken professionel udfordring du kæmper med. Nye indsigter og værktøjer ruster dig som leder, teammedlem og menneske.

Josefine Campbell

Josefine Campbell

Executive Coach, Author, and Founder

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Gitte Justesen

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