Leadership & collaboration

agile leadership

Agile leadership

There is no radical innovation, or innovative company without mental agility. I am not talking about agile methods, but agility as a mindset. When I started working with innovation back in 2008, innovation was nice to have. Today, most leaders confront a situation where innovation is need to have and many have experienced the difficulties actually turning innovation ideas and projects into business value and tangible results. Often because there is a lack of mental agility in the organisation. 

Agile as a method was firstly introduced (starting this millenium) in a business context as a project management method for innovation and IT development projects. Later, the concept of agility became about emotional agility in a leadership development context. To become truly agile requires leaders who has an agile mindset.

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Power Barometer book

The new book: Power Barometer

The book is all about that we manage time, money, and quality. But the big game-changer, personal energy, is too often forgotten. Power Barometer is for you. If you’re leading or collaborating in a complex and challenging environment.

If you find that you constantly have to deal with challenges and changes and your work life requires an extra gear, this book is for you. You want to make the best of every situation for yourself and for others. You actually care. Sometimes you think about work when you are at home, even before going to sleep.

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Josefine Campbell - keynote

What agile means in its many senses

There is no innovation without agility. I am not talking about agile methods, but agility as a mindset. When I started working with innovation back in 2008, innovation was nice to have. Today, most leaders confront a situation where innovation is need to have and many have experienced the difficulties actually turning innovation ideas and projects into business value and tangible results.

What agile means in its many senses Read More »

Team wellbeing and strategy

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams 

Managing your energy is one chapter of its own. It is crucial and imperative. But let’s be real. We spend most of our awake hours on the job collaborating with others. So, if we do not manage the team energy and take responsibility for the imprint of energy we leave others with – it will not take us far enough.
Read more here to get the three corporate strategies.

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams  Read More »

Team wellbeing

Manage energy not just time and money

Get to the next level of performance by encountering a fourth dimension in your management style – Manage energy not time!

Successful companies such as Google and Novo Nordisk know that prioritizing team wellbeing as it’s the key to high performance. Still, most managers only consider Time, Quality, and Money, when prioritizing or deciding. That is how they are trained. However, there is another level.

Manage energy not just time and money Read More »

Hvad er god ledelse?

What is good leadership? How to be a good leader?

Unfortunately, it is quite normal to become a manager without any further introduction to the management craft. So, for many new leaders, becoming a leader is a huge challenge. Management is also not something you can learn just by reading. And leadership skills are not something you are born with. It’s something you must learn and constantly practice.

An introduction and some good advice can sometimes be a great help. So, here’s a suggestion on what good leadership is from us.

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Digital leadership – focus vs. team spirit

Dilemma: A leader in a global virtual team appreciates chatting with her team about everything and nothing – privately and professionally. Everything is communicated in a big jumble. She does it to make them feel like a team across the distance. Her employees feel compelled to participate, even though it is difficult for them to do any concrete work in the meantime. Because in the middle of a story about her new house, an important message comes in relation to their work. So, if they are not part of the chat, they will not get crucial professional information.

Just like other global tech organizations, there’s plenty to do for the employees. They actually have a hard time keeping up. This challenges the fact that when they have to chat, they can’t focus and concentrate on work tasks. 

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anger at work

Anger at work?? Learn about conflict management

Anger is a natural reaction that we as humans have to be able to defend ourselves in a deadly situation. The problem is that humans often react with the same fear and anger to organizational changes, redistribution of tasks, and the like as if we were attacked by a bear. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the feeling is there. It doesn’t help to just shut it off. Because it still guides your actions, thoughts, and personal strength. Learn more here.

Anger at work?? Learn about conflict management Read More »

Stilhedsekspert Bastian Overgaard og Ledelsesekspert Josefine Campbell

Schhhh! Silence results in more effective meetings

Do you want to get rid of ineffective meetings?
There is always someone who talks more than others. Someone talks so much (and is so busy thinking about what they themselves should say) that they do not hear what others say. It does not result in much.

Now it’s not like I’m against talking. But I think it’s important that we give room for silence – even when we’re together and when we’re going to do something. As a leader you can use silence as an intelligent tool to facilitate meetings.

Schhhh! Silence results in more effective meetings Read More »