
Team wellbeing and strategy

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams 

Managing your energy is one chapter of its own. It is crucial and imperative. But let’s be real. We spend most of our awake hours on the job collaborating with others. So, if we do not manage the team energy and take responsibility for the imprint of energy we leave others with – it will not take us far enough.
Read more here to get the three corporate strategies.

Three strategies for unleashing the power of personal energy in teams  Read More »

anger at work

Anger at work?? Learn about conflict management

Anger is a natural reaction that we as humans have to be able to defend ourselves in a deadly situation. The problem is that humans often react with the same fear and anger to organizational changes, redistribution of tasks, and the like as if we were attacked by a bear. Whether we acknowledge it or not, the feeling is there. It doesn’t help to just shut it off. Because it still guides your actions, thoughts, and personal strength. Learn more here.

Anger at work?? Learn about conflict management Read More »

Er du klar eller kapret?

Book: Are you ready or hijacked?

Reading the book can improve your performance sustainably by increasing your awareness on your mental stage of mind and your personal energy – when you lead and when you collaborate. It can help you being more agile and change efficient. The book is full of tangible tools backed by science and many relevant cases from the modern corporate work life, where change, agility, and performance is in focus. Read more about the book here.

Book: Are you ready or hijacked? Read More »