
mentally fit thrive

From Survival to Thrival: The Mentally Agile not only Survive but Thrive

Darwin wrote about the “survival of the fittest,” and he didn’t mean the strongest survive, but the individuals and species that are most adaptable, flexible, and resilient. Writing on the history of evolution, Yuval Noah Harari points out in his best-selling book Sapiens that our ability to work together in large groups and create togetherness through common ideas is the quality that has made us the dominant species on the planet. In this article you’ll get 3 areas to focus on for staying mentally fit.

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factory of Henry Ford

The New World of Modern Leadership: Embracing Inclusivity

As we transition from the assembly lines of Henry Ford’s factories to modern hybrid workspaces, the need for a new approach to leadership becomes clear. The challenges we face today are more complex and multifaceted, requiring leaders to move beyond the one-way, top-down communication of the past. Instead, contemporary leadership demands reciprocity, inclusivity, and a deep understanding of interdependence within teams. Find 3 suggestions of focus areas for leaders of the new world at the end of this article.

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Empathy at work

The power of empathy in leadership: Why it matters and how you can apply it effectively

Leaders who are emotional intelligent or savvy, simple creates following. Their people feel a strong connection with them and a great sense of belonging towards their workplace regardless of the external conditions. It is quite powerful. In this article we delve into empathy and what a great sense of empathy can do for you as a leader.

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The recipe for effective leadership today: Lead towards results with culture-based tools

In the realm of organizational success, company culture is essential. A robust and positive culture not only attracts top talent but also fosters employee engagement, drives performance and innovation, and ultimately determines the long-term success of a company. In this article you can read about why this; working with company culture, is so important when it comes to business success. And further you’ll get 4 advice for creating a strong company culture.

The recipe for effective leadership today: Lead towards results with culture-based tools Read More »

Inclusive communication

The Power of Inclusive Leadership Communication: You will Retain Talent and Create Belonging

In today’s diverse and interconnected workplace, effective communication is key to make sure that everyone in the team are included. It will help you to fostering a sense of belonging, reducing misunderstandings, and promoting teamwork. How can I communicate more effectively you might ask and that is why this article is all about Inclusive Leadership Communication. Beacuse, this mindset will provide you with a more effective way of communicating. It is a mindset that leaders, who wants to be in the forefront, have great success using. Because, we all desire for a well-collaborative team. Read here about how to achieve it with Inclusive Leadership Communication. You’ll also read about why inclusive communication is important and get a practical framework for achieving it.

The Power of Inclusive Leadership Communication: You will Retain Talent and Create Belonging Read More »


How to create collaborative teams via interaction analysis (IPA): Advanced team development that makes an impact

Investing in your team can give a massive return. In this article you’ll meet Dan and Martin who creates dysfunctions in the team. Through an IPA (Interaction analysis) we helped them get back on track and create a strong collaborative team.

How to create collaborative teams via interaction analysis (IPA): Advanced team development that makes an impact Read More »

Team success

Great team dynamics: The path to successful collaborations

Working in a team is an integral part of most work situations in the modern workplace. Your ability as a leader to understand and manage team dynamics is crucial for achieving successful results together. Read along here to know more about team dynamics and what to be aware of.

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Hvad er stress?

Leading oneself in times of uncertainty

These days, there are many managers with anxiety. In my profession as an Executive Coach, I talk with highly competent and resourceful executives around the world about their challenges, problems, and objectives in life and in work.

One question that is being discussed in many of my virtual coaching sessions these days is, how one is dealing with anxiety as a leader. In this article I give you three ways to deal with it. Read along here.

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Too much adrenaline can be a bad thing when leading

Often is stress at work related to too much adrenaline. Did you know that there is a risk that you and your co-workers have a high level of stress? The stress hormone is called adrenaline – and affects your behavior, your decisions and what you are capable of as a business. Too much adrenaline is not good and can have a negative effect. In the video, I talk about adrenaline and how it relates to stress.

Too much adrenaline can be a bad thing when leading Read More »