July 2024

E-On- workshop

The emotionally savvy leader: 6 ways that understanding emotions and feelings can be beneficial in your leadership role

It is hard to be an effective leader without being able to navigate feelings and emotions. As whether we like it or not, workplaces flood with emotions and feelings. Consciously and unconsciously. They govern people’s actions, behavior and determine whether they follow a leader or not. But what defines emotions and feelings and what are the difference really? This question you’ll get an answer to in this article, and why understanding emotions and feelings can be highly beneficial in your leadership role.

The emotionally savvy leader: 6 ways that understanding emotions and feelings can be beneficial in your leadership role Read More »

factory of Henry Ford

The New World of Modern Leadership: Embracing Inclusivity

As we transition from the assembly lines of Henry Ford’s factories to modern hybrid workspaces, the need for a new approach to leadership becomes clear. The challenges we face today are more complex and multifaceted, requiring leaders to move beyond the one-way, top-down communication of the past. Instead, contemporary leadership demands reciprocity, inclusivity, and a deep understanding of interdependence within teams. Find 3 suggestions of focus areas for leaders of the new world at the end of this article.

The New World of Modern Leadership: Embracing Inclusivity Read More »